A rural family lives in an isolated farmhouse built by their ancestors. Due to humidity and isolation, maintenance has become impossible and the house has been declared in ruins. While the family struggles to save their home, Elián, a teenager, and Irene, his younger sister, recover an old hobby of their grandfather: by recording in Super 8, they will turn the spaces into a memory. During the process, they will begin to be curious as to what their new site will be.
“Trenc d’Alba is a story about a house that breaks down, about the growth of the people who live there, about isolation, love and fear of freedom. It portrays the farewell of a space in dual format; Part of the film is filmed by the same protagonist with his grandfather’s super 8 camera; turning, through analog, his house into a memory.”
Project filmed as TFG at ESCAC, produced by ESCAC FILMS. Currently in the process of post-production.
Duration: 28′
Double Format: Digital 1:85:1 · Super 8 – 4:3
Language: Catalan
Country of Production: Spain
Shooting Location: Catalunya
Genre: Family Drama
Staring: Gerard Ribera, Vinyet Rodríguez, Irene Bogunyà i Alzira Gómez.
Directed & Written: Anna Llargués
1st AD: Alexandra Iglesias
Production: Andrea Alonso
Direction of Photography: Paul Levit
Art Direction: Elena Richart
Edited: Aina Martos
Sound Design: Ángel Bañuelos
Original Score: Amanda Fandos